Train Accidents Attorney in Palm Beach

Train accidents are not as prevalent as accidents involving cars, trucks, and motorcycles, but they still injure thousands of people every year. A passenger train derailment can injure hundreds of people at once. If you have been injured, the train accident attorneys in Palm Beach at Goldman & Daszkal are here to help. We can get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Who is affected by train accidents?

One obvious way to be injured in a train accident is to be a passenger on a train that derails. Thankfully, these kinds of accidents don’t happen often, but there are other times when injuries require the expertise of a train accident lawyer in Palm Beach. Some of them include:

  • Slip and fall injury on a train platform
  • Slip and fall injury while aboard a train
  • Pedestrian hit by a train at a railroad crossing
  • Vehicle driver hit by a train at a railroad crossing
  • Pedestrian or vehicle driver injured when train derailed
  • Railroad employee injured on the job
train accident attorney in Miami

Train accident cases are difficult

The scenarios above must happen under certain conditions for you to be eligible for compensation. If you were injured because you were driving a car and you sped through a clearly marked railroad crossing with lights flashing to beat an oncoming train, you probably don’t have a case to claim injury compensation. However, if you followed all traffic laws and were injured by an oncoming train because the crossing was not clearly marked, the train conductor did not use the lights and horn, or other such factors contributed to your injuries, you could be entitled to compensation.

Then there’s the problem of finding who is responsible for the accident. Was it the train conductor, the owner of the railroad tracks, the train manufacturer, the party in charge of maintaining the railroad crossing, the company that loaded the cargo onto the train, or a combination of those?

What railroad accident lawyers in Palm Beach Do?

As experienced railroad injury lawyers in Palm Beach, the team at Goldman & Daszkal will thoroughly investigate your claim. We will find evidence to back up your claim and prove negligence. We also know how to uncover all liable parties. This is important because each liable party can be another source of compensation. Your train accident attorneys will carefully calculate the full value of your claim, taking into consideration current and future expenses. Then, of course, we fight to get the compensation you deserve. We say “fight” because we deal mostly with insurance companies who just want to deny your claim or pay the lowest amount possible. We use our expertise to prove your case and get the maximum compensation.

Train Derailment attorney miami

What compensation is available?

When your train accident lawyer seeks compensation, it is to help you pay bills incurred by a train accident. We seek compensation to cover medical expenses (current and future), lost wages (current and future), pain and suffering, emotional trauma, property damage or replacement, and more. We seek compensation so you can focus on recovering, not paying bills you never expected.

Case Results


Broken Hip
Pedestrian Parking Lot Accident


Hit & Run
fractured skull, multiple broken bones & brain injury


Auto Accident
Wrongful Death


Slip & Fall
Heel Fracture with Surgery


Auto Accident
Multiple Injuries-Leg Trauma / Mobility Issues


Nursing Home Neglect
Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Internal Injuries / Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Confidentiality Agreement


Product Liability
Crash Injury

Contact us for a free consultation

Goldman & Daszkal’s railroad injury lawyers in Palm Beach provide compassionate legal help tailored to your situation and your case. Many lawyers just call insurance companies and advertise. They want quick turnarounds and more clients. Most of them have never even been inside a courtroom and do not have the training or qualifications to practice in court. Goldman & Daszkal’s attorneys are experienced trial lawyers who will fight for you in court, if necessary. We are here for you and will take the time to fully investigate your claim and get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.