Trusted Miami Personal Injury Attorneys

GOLDMAN DASZKAL, P.A.: Experienced Personal Injury Law Firm

Goldman Daszkal, P.A. has been serving the Miami community with passion and expertise for more than 30 years. We are very proud that our dedicated, experienced attorneys have secured more than half a billion dollars in settlements for our clients. If you have been injured because of someone’s negligence, we will fight for the compensation you deserve.

Get the Legal Representation You Deserve in Miami

If you’ve been injured by another party’s negligence, never accept the insurance company’s settlement offer. They always want to pay as little as possible and close the case quickly. Your experienced personal injury attorney can likely increase your compensation. We provide personalized guidance and support through every step of your case. Best of all, we only get paid when you get paid. Contact us today for expert legal representation in the following areas:

  • Animal Attacks
  • Auto Accidents
  • Birth Injuries
  • Boating Accidents
  • Brain & Spinal Cord Injury
  • Construction Accidents
  • Drunk Driving Accidents
  • Elder Law
  • Insurance Claims
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Pharmacy Errors
  • Premises Liability
  • Products Liability
  • Slips, Trips, and Falls
  • Train Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Recreational Vehicles Accidents
  • Public Transportation Accidents
  • Wrongful Death

Animal Attacks

Animal attacks can be scary and painful, leading to lifelong trauma. We have a successful history of getting animal attack victims the compensation they deserve.

Auto Accidents

Auto accidents can be difficult because insurance companies always want to blame someone else and never want to pay victims what they deserve. You need an attorney to ensure you get compensated for lost wages, vehicle repair or replacement, injuries, and more.

Birth Injuries

Medical malpractice cases are notoriously difficult because so many parties can be held accountable. Our Miami attorneys know how to get the maximum compensation for devastating birth injuries.

Boating Accidents

Miami’s waterways are beautiful but are full of boats of all sizes, which can lead to accidents. Our attorneys will fight for you while you focus on healing from your boating accident.

Brain & Spinal Cord Injury

These types of injuries can have lifelong consequences. We have the expertise and resources to pursue the compensation you need for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and ongoing care.

Construction Accidents

Construction sites are extremely busy and hazardous. If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, we will investigate, find all liable parties, and hold them accountable.

Drunk Driving Accidents

Driving under the influence is illegal and reckless and can lead to devastating injuries or death. Our attorneys aggressively pursue justice and compensation for victims of drunk driving accidents.

Elder Law

We believe in safeguarding the rights of the elderly. Our personal injury lawyers specialize in elder law cases, including nursing home abuse and neglect. We make sure our elderly clients receive the care and respect they deserve.

Insurance Claims

Dealing with insurance companies can be overwhelming. We will handle all aspects of your insurance claim, fighting for the maximum compensation you deserve.

Motorcycle Accidents

Riding a motorcycle is inherently dangerous. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident because of someone else’s negligence, we will fight for the compensation you need for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Pharmacy Errors

Pharmaceutical errors have serious consequences for your health. Our team will hold negligent pharmacies accountable and seek compensation for harm caused by medication errors.

Premises Liability

Property owners must maintain safe premises. If you’ve been injured because of unsafe conditions on someone else’s property, we will tirelessly pursue compensation for your injuries and losses.

Product Liability

When defective products cause harm, manufacturers must be held accountable. Our attorneys have the expertise to handle complex product liability cases and seek justice for our clients.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Property owners are responsible for ensuring safe conditions for visitors. If someone’s negligence led to your slip, trip, or fall accident, you deserve compensation.

Train Accidents

Train accidents can result in catastrophic injuries. Very few Miami accident lawyers are well-versed in train accidents. Thankfully, we are.

Truck Accidents

Because of trucks’ size and weight, truck accidents frequently result in serious injuries. But who’s at fault – the driver, the owner, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, or a combination? We know how to find out and get you paid.

Recreational Vehicles Accidents

Serious injuries may result from accidents with recreational vehicles. Whether a defective vehicle was at fault or another negligent driver, we are here to help.

Public Transportation Accidents

Dealing with the legal aftermath of accidents with buses, trains, and other public transport can pose challenges many challenges. We know how to deal with government employees and legal systems to get you compensated.

Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one because of someone else’s negligence is tragic. You need time to heal and take care of your family. Let us worry about the legal side of things.

Contact Us Today for a Consultation

Miami Personal Injury Attorney: Your First Step Toward Justice

Ready to take the first step toward justice? Contact Goldman Daszkal, P.A. today for a consultation with a seasoned Miami personal injury attorney. Let us help you fight for the compensation you deserve and reclaim control of your future.

lawyer personal injuries

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Feel free to get in touch with any inquiries and one of our friendly team members will get back to you as soon as possible, We are here to help!