Slips, Trips, and Falls Injury Attorney Palm Beach

The slip and fall injury lawyers in Palm Beach at Goldman & Daszkal have one goal: to get the maximum compensation for victims of slip and fall injuries. It might not sound serious to slip, trip, or fall, but these accidents can change your life. If you slip on a slippery spill in a grocery store, for example, you could break any number of bones and injure joints. You could suffer permanent spinal cord or brain injury. If you have been injured in a slip, trip, or fall, you could be entitled to compensation. For the best outcome and maximum compensation, you should consult the trip and fall lawyers at Goldman & Daszkal in Palm Beach.

Slip and Fall Lawyer miami

Why consult local slip and fall lawyers?

If you are injured on someone else’s property, you might be able to file a claim with the property owner’s insurance company. Insurance companies, of course, would rather deny your claim or pay you as little as possible. They have corporate attorneys helping them, so you should have experienced Palm Beach trip and fall injury lawyers on your side. We know what it takes to get the maximum compensation for your injuries. There are many benefits of contacting Goldman & Daszkal:

  • We provide legal guidance on a contingency basis. It costs you nothing upfront for us to represent you. We only get paid when we win your case. You don’t have to worry about retainers or hourly rates.
  • We provide compassionate legal counsel. We know what you are going through, and we support you in any way we can with responsive legal help, compassionate representation, and advocacy from a team that cares.
  • We have handled many similar cases. Our slip and fall injury lawyers have years of experience with invaluable insight into how these cases work.
  • We hold the liable party accountable. No one should have to pay for the negligence of others. If someone else caused your injuries, they should pay for the damages.
  • We offer free case reviews. If you are on the fence about retaining legal help, call Goldman & Daszkal. We will examine your case’s validity and share how our team can help. Contact us for a free consultation 24/7, 365 days a year.

What kind of compensation is available?

Slips, trips, and falls are nothing to be taken lightly. Victims can suffer lifelong injuries and incur heavy expenses. Goldman & Daszkal’s lawyers for slips and falls in Palm Beach will fight diligently to get the compensation you deserve to pay for current and future medical bills, current and future lost wages, damages to personal property (maybe you broke a $1,000 phone or lost a valuable ring in your fall), pain and suffering, and more. Do not think you have to just suffer and watch the bills pile up. We are here to ease your financial burden.

Case Results


Broken Hip
Pedestrian Parking Lot Accident


Hit & Run
fractured skull, multiple broken bones & brain injury


Auto Accident
Wrongful Death


Slip & Fall
Heel Fracture with Surgery


Auto Accident
Multiple Injuries-Leg Trauma / Mobility Issues


Nursing Home Neglect
Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Internal Injuries / Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Confidentiality Agreement


Product Liability
Crash Injury

Get a free consultation today

Contact the compassionate, expert slip and fall injury lawyers at Goldman & Daszkal today to get a free consultation. You risk nothing and stand to gain significant compensation. So what are you waiting for, contact us now to discuss your slip, trip, and fall case.