Property Damage Insurance Claims

Maximize Your Insurance Claim Recovery with Goldman Daszkal

Goldman Daszkal is now accepting clients for property damage claims.

In the wake of property damage, residential homeowners, business owners, condo association boards, and property managers often face overwhelming challenges and critical decisions. Navigating the insurance claim process can be complex and stressful. Mishandling a claim can result in unclaimed benefits, leading to incomplete recovery of your entitled compensation. Taking the wrong step initially can also provide an opportunity for your insurance carrier to claim you breached your policy, leading to years of unnecessary litigation.

Our experienced legal team is here to guide you through every step, ensuring you receive the full benefits you deserve under your insurance policy. We specialize in simplifying the claim process, so you can focus on rebuilding and recovering.

Don’t navigate this challenging time alone. Let Goldman Daszkal be your trusted partner in securing the compensation you are entitled to.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today for a consultation and secure your rightful compensation.

couple sitting on a couch while water drips from ceiling into a bucket

How do property damage claims work?

Property damage claims for insured buildings involve seeking compensation for damages to your property covered under your insurance policy. This could include damage to your home, business premises, or condo building caused by events such as natural disasters, accidents, or other covered perils.

Steps to Initiate a Property Damage Claim:

  1. Document the Damage: Gather and save evidence such as photos, receipts, repair estimates, and contracts to support your claim.
  2. Notify Your Insurer: Submit notice of your claim to your insurance company promptly, providing all the observed details at the time of the call. It is important to remember that most property owners are not building experts and should never guess as to the cause of loss.
  3. Accurately Estimate Your Own Damage with Our Help: Insurance policies often place the burden of estimating property damage on the insured, requiring you to provide a complete and accurate estimate to your insurance carrier. If you miss any damage or fail to document it promptly, your insurance company may try to deny or delay your claim. At Goldman Daszkal, we provide key assistance in thorough evaluations of all property damages. Our team will help you identify and document every detail within the time limits prescribed under your insurance policy and Florida law.
  4. Negotiation: Trust us to work with your insurer to reach a fair settlement. This process involves complex negotiations to ensure all damages are fully covered.
broken shattered window on store front door

Why Legal Representation Matters

Having legal representation can be crucial in navigating the complexities of property damage claims and ensuring that you receive fair compensation for your losses. An experienced attorney can:

  • Advocate on Your Behalf: Handle negotiations with the insurance company.
  • Provide Guidance: Offer legal advice throughout the claims process.
  • Ensure Fair Compensation: Work to maximize your recovery and ensure all entitled benefits are claimed.

What forms of compensation can I expect?

In Florida, property damage claims may provide compensation for various losses incurred due to damage to your insured property. The compensation is policy driven and is typically allocated into separate coverages. An example of a recent claim we handled had the coverages as follows:

Coverage A: Dwelling

  • Provided Repair or Replacement Costs: Coverage for the cost to repair or replace the damaged structure of your home or building.

Coverage B: Other Structures

  • Repair or Replacement Costs for Other Structures: Coverage for the cost to repair or replace detached structures on your property, such as stand-alone garages, sheds, or fences.

Coverage C: Personal Property

  • Personal Property: Coverage for personal items that were damaged or destroyed, such as furniture, electronics, and clothing.

Coverage D: Loss of Use

  • Temporary Living and Rental Expenses: Compensation for temporary living expenses or the cost of renting a similar property if you are displaced while your damaged property is being repaired.
  • Business Interruption: Compensation for lost income if your business operations are interrupted due to property damage.
  • Loss of Rents: Compensation for lost rental income if your rental property is damaged and tenants cannot occupy the property.

Florida law emphasizes that insurers must handle claims in good faith and provide timely compensation. However, disputes can arise, and having legal representation can help ensure you receive the full compensation you are entitled to.

Contact Us Today

If your insured property has suffered damage, don’t navigate the claims process alone. Let Goldman Daszkal provide the expert legal assistance you need to secure your rightful compensation.

Reach out now for a consultation and take the first step toward a full recovery.

Case Results


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