Brain Injury Lawyers Palm Beach: Advocates for Your Recovery

Brain injuries can happen in an instant and permanently change your life. Victims of spinal cord and brain injuries can suffer permanent paralysis, reduced cognitive function, and more. As if that’s not bad enough, victims likely won’t be able to work and can have financial problems.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, you could be entitled to substantial compensation for loss of income, pain and suffering, medical expenses, ongoing treatment, and more. The Palm Beach brain injury attorneys at Goldman & Daszkal have the experience and expertise to get you the compensation you deserve.

traumatic brain injury lawyers

Compassionate Guidance in Your Time of Need

Our brain injury attorneys offer compassionate legal guidance for victims and their families. We understand that you are coming to us at one of the worst times in your life, and we treat you like family to get you the compensation you deserve. When you hire Goldman & Daszkal, we will:

  • Investigate the accident that caused your brain injury.
  • Use brain injury specialists to build and value your case.
  • Determine who is at fault and seek damages from all liable parties.
  • Negotiate with other parties and their insurance companies to get the most compensation possible.
  • Have an accomplished trial attorney bring your case to a jury in Palm Beach if you’re not offered a fair deal.

As experienced brain damage lawyers in Palm Beach, we understand how complex these cases can be and are prepared to fight for you.

What causes brain injuries?

Almost any accident in which you hit your head can cause a brain injury, including:

● Slips, trips, and falls
● Automobile accidents
● Boating accidents
● Construction injuries
● Assaults
● Sports injuries
● And much more.

Diagnosing a traumatic brain injury can be difficult if there are no immediately obvious symptoms. You should always seek medical care immediately after an accident in which you suffer a blow to your head.

Partner with Experienced Brain Damage Lawyers

If you’ve suffered a brain or spinal cord injury because of someone else’s negligence, don’t face the aftermath alone. Reach out to Goldman & Daszkal, your trusted Palm Beach brain trauma attorneys. We will fight for you and pave the way for your recovery. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation, and take the first step toward reclaiming control of your future

Case Results


Broken Hip
Pedestrian Parking Lot Accident


Hit & Run
fractured skull, multiple broken bones & brain injury


Auto Accident
Wrongful Death


Slip & Fall
Heel Fracture with Surgery


Auto Accident
Multiple Injuries-Leg Trauma / Mobility Issues


Nursing Home Neglect
Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Internal Injuries / Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Confidentiality Agreement


Product Liability
Crash Injury