Product Liability Attorney Palm Beach

You expect a product you purchase to work like it should. More importantly, though, you have a right to expect it to be safe when used properly. If a defective product has injured you, contact a product liability lawyer in Palm Beach at Goldman & Daszkal. With decades of experience, we know how to get the compensation you deserve. We can handle insurance companies and the complex legal system to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

What is a product liability lawsuit?

When you are injured using a product as intended, you can file a claim to hold the retailer, manufacturer, or designer responsible. Our defective product attorneys in Palm Beach are your best strategy to get the compensation you deserve. You should never have to pay the resulting medical bills and suffer the economic impact of lost wages if you were injured because of a faulty product. We will seek maximum compensation to pay you for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

product liability attorney palm beach

Types of defects

The type of product defect can decide how your case is filed and litigated. There are three categories of defective product claims.

  • Marketing defects. Often used in cases involving defective drugs or medical devices, a marketing defect suggests that potential side effects or problems were not disclosed.
  • Design defect. This claims that the product’s plans were faulty or it was not properly tested.
  • Manufacturing defect. A manufacturing defect occurs during the production of the device. This is the rarest type of claim, but it does happen.

A defective product can fall into more than one category. General Motors manufactured a faulty ignition switch and knew it was defective, yet did not recall the cars for 11 years.

Can I file a claim if I wasn’t injured?

A defective product doesn’t have to injure you to be eligible for a claim. If you suffered losses of any kind, you can file a claim. For example, if a phone being charged led to a car fire, you could file a claim to pay for the damage.

On the other hand, just because a product does not work as advertised doesn’t mean you have the basis for a claim. If you think your new lawnmower makes your yard look bad, you cannot file a claim. If the blade breaks off and cuts your ankle, resulting in stitches or surgery, you have the basis for a defective product claim.

If you’re not sure whether you have a claim, contact a Palm Beach product liability attorney at Goldman & Daszkal. Your initial consultation is always free.

product liability lawyer

You need a defective product lawyer in Palm Beach

Product liability is a complex claim to prove. There also are many laws regulating whether you can file claim, how long you have to file a claim, how much you can receive, and much more. The defective product attorneys in Palm Beach at Goldman & Daszkal will:
● Review your medical records
● Investigate your claim
● Handle the insurance companies
● Ensure your claim is filed correctly and on time
● Work one-on-one with you while walking you through the process


Case Results


Broken Hip
Pedestrian Parking Lot Accident


Hit & Run
fractured skull, multiple broken bones & brain injury


Auto Accident
Wrongful Death


Slip & Fall
Heel Fracture with Surgery


Auto Accident
Multiple Injuries-Leg Trauma / Mobility Issues


Nursing Home Neglect
Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Internal Injuries / Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Confidentiality Agreement


Product Liability
Crash Injury

Get a free consultation

When you need a dedicated, experienced product liability lawyer in Palm Beach, contact Goldman & Daszkal for a free consultation. If we represent you, you pay nothing until we win your case and you get the compensation you deserve.