Palm Beach Personal Injury Attorney

Experience the Difference: Your Palm Beach Personal Injury Law Firm

Goldman Daszkal, P.A., understands how a personal injury can affect your life. You need to focus on healing and rebuilding financially. Trust our team of experienced Palm Beach lawyers for personal injury to maximize your compensation. We provide compassionate legal guidance from experienced attorneys.

Maximize Your Compensation with Our Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyers

Since 1990, Goldman Daszkal has helped clients in Palm Beach recover more than half a billion dollars in compensation for personal injuries. Our team provides personalized, expert support at every stage of the legal process. Practice areas include:

  • Animal Attacks
  • Auto Accidents
  • Birth Injuries
  • Boating Accidents
  • Brain & Spinal Cord Injury
  • Construction Accidents
  • Drunk Driving Accidents
  • Elder Law
  • Insurance Claims
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Pharmacy Errors
  • Premises Liability
  • Products Liability
  • Slips, Trips, and Falls
  • Train Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Recreational Vehicles Accidents
  • Public Transportation Accidents
  • Wrongful Death

Animal Attacks

Our team of Palm Beach personal injury attorneys understands that animal attacks can be painful, with long-lasting effects. We know how to get you the compensation you deserve to recover.

Auto Accidents

Our Palm Beach lawyers for auto accidents have in-depth knowledge of the challenges these cases present. We fight for the maximum compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and income loss.

Birth Injuries

A birth injury because of medical negligence can be overwhelming and traumatic. These complex, emotional cases require experienced attorneys to ensure justice is served.

Boating Accidents

People with boats of all shapes and sizes enjoy Palm Beach’s waterways. People can be negligent, though, leading to injuries. Your Goldman & Daszkal personal injury attorneys know how to handle complex boating accident cases.

Brain & Spinal Cord Injury

Brain and spinal cord injuries can have lifelong consequences, including paralysis and reduced cognitive abilities. Our Palm Beach personal injury firm has the expertise and resources to pursue maximum compensation to cover medical expenses, rehabilitation, and ongoing care.

Construction Accidents

Construction sites pose significant risks for even the most experienced workers. If you suffer an injury in a construction accident, we will seek restitution for your medical expenses and lost income.

Drunk Driving Accidents

Recklessly driving while under the influence can result in severe accidents with lasting consequences. The worst part is that these tragic accidents are always preventable. We’re here to help.

Elder Law

Palm Beach’s elderly population is, unfortunately, often vulnerable to abuse, even in nursing homes. Our personal injury lawyers specialize in elder law cases, including nursing home abuse and neglect. We want to ensure our elderly clients receive the care and respect they deserve.

Insurance Claims

Dealing with insurance companies can be intimidating and overwhelming. Our personal accident lawyers do it every day and are dedicated to managing your claim to get you the compensation you deserve.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road. Many accidents are caused by the negligence of distracted drivers who say they never even saw the rider. We work tirelessly to secure the compensation you need for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Pharmacy Errors

Pharmaceutical mistakes can lead to significant injury or even death. We hold negligent pharmacies and pharmacy workers accountable and pursue compensation for any harm caused by their errors.

Premises Liability

Property owners have a legal duty to maintain safe premises. If you’ve been injured because of unsafe conditions on someone else’s property, you could be entitled to compensation.

Product Liability

When defective products cause harm, manufacturers should be held accountable. Our attorneys have successfully litigated many complex product liability cases. Let us help you.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

If you slip, trip, or fall on someone else’s property – a residence, store, or public place – you could be entitled to compensation to cover injuries, lost income, and more. Goldman & Daszkal, your Palm Beach personal injury law firm, knows what to do.

Train Accidents

Train accidents, such as derailments or crashes at railroad crossings, can have catastrophic consequences. The railroad companies, though, have vast resources to dispute your claim. Goldman & Daszkal is prepared to fight for your compensation.

Truck Accidents

Truck collisions frequently lead to significant, long-lasting injuries because of the size and weight of the trucks. Because so many parties can be involved – truck owner, truck driver, Logistics Company, truck manufacturer, and more – these cases can be complicated.

Recreational Vehicles Accidents

Recreational vehicles can be fun, but injuries resulting from accidents often are severe. We thoroughly investigate recreational vehicle accidents and hold all negligent parties accountable.

Public Transportation Accidents

Accidents with buses, trains, and other public transportation can pose many challenges. Goldman & Daszkal knows how to litigate cases against the government entities that operate public transportation.

Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one because of someone else’s negligence is tragic. A wrongful death claim cannot bring that person back, but it can help the family pay for funeral expenses and offset the loss of their loved one’s income.

Contact Us Today for a Consultation

Palm Beach Personal Injury Attorney: Your First Step Toward Justice

Ready to take the first step toward justice? Contact Goldman & Daszkal, P.A. today for a free consultation with an experienced Palm Beach personal injury attorney. Let us help you fight for the compensation you deserve and reclaim control of your future.

lawyer personal injuries

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