Can I Sue If My Uber, Lyft, or Rideshare Driver Was in a Car Accident?

Rideshare drivers (Uber, Lyft, etc.) essentially perform the same service as a taxi or limo driver, but there are big differences in how the services are viewed by the legal system and insurance companies. If you have been injured in an accident in which your rideshare driver was at fault, you might be entitled to compensation. Without the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, though, getting compensation can be very difficult.

Taxi drivers are almost always employees of a company. Those companies are legally required to provide adequate insurance to help compensate victims if they’re injured in a crash. Taxi drivers are subject to additional licensing requirements, insurance requirements, and many regulations designed to protect passengers who use that service.

Rideshare drivers, on the other hand, are subject to little or no special governmental oversight. They are private citizens who are using their personal vehicles to provide a service using the Uber or Lyft platform.

Although there are laws requiring all drivers to have liability insurance, there have been documented instances of Uber drivers working without insurance and even without proper licenses.

Victims involved in Uber accidents can receive compensation in several ways, depending on the circumstances of the crash. Uber has a mandatory insurance policy that covers victims in case an accident occurs while the driver has the app open. That means you could be compensated (up to $1 million) for your injuries and financial losses if the Uber driver is proven to be at fault.

You could be compensated for financial losses (medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and more) by the Uber insurance policy, but you might need to seek additional compensation from another party’s insurance company, too.

Regardless of which company you’re seeking compensation from, presenting enough evidence to make a persuasive case is always the best way to maximize your insurance settlement.

As the victim in an Uber accident, it is up to you to collect and present evidence of the crash and your injuries so that it persuades Uber’s insurance company to pay out in an amount that’s appropriate and adequate to compensate you for your losses. If Uber will not provide compensation, you still might be able to file a claim with the driver’s personal insurance company.

If you’ve been injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, you should have a no-obligation free consultation with the personal injury attorneys at Goldman Daszkal. Your attorney will know the best tactics to get you the compensation you deserve. We do the hard work while you recover.