Your Trusted Birth Injury Attorneys in Miami

More than 20,000 infants suffer birth injuries annually in the United States. From minor bruises to severe nerve damage, broken bones, and brain damage, birth injuries from medical negligence can drastically alter a child’s life. The Goldman & Daszkal team of experienced birth injury attorneys in Miami has supported many families through these difficult times. We provide comprehensive legal guidance and advocacy. We know that no amount of money will fix everything, but proper compensation will ease the financial burden of treatment and recovery.

Compassionate Guidance from Experienced Miami Birth Injury Lawyers

If your newborn has suffered because of medical negligence, your emotional and financial stability are in jeopardy. As parents, you are filled with grief and anxiety and just want to provide the best care possible for your injured little one. You need to be focused on family, not generating income and paying medical bills.

That’s where we come in. The experienced, compassionate Miami birth injury lawyers at Goldman & Daszkal understand the emotional and financial toll these incidents can take on families. We will investigate the incident, find all the liable parties, and seek the compensation you deserve while you focus on your family.

Navigating the Complexities of Birth Injury Claims with Miami Birth Injury Lawyers

Our law firm is built on simple principles: honesty, trust, and tireless advocacy for our clients. We’re honored to get to know our clients as real people, which allows us to provide personalized support based on their individual needs. Please connect with us today to get started with a free, confidential consultation. We’re always here to help.

Birth Injury legal help

Your Trusted Advocates for Birth Injury Justice in Miami

Goldman & Daszkal has represented the rights of birth injury victims for more than 30 years. Contact us today for a free initial consultation. You have nothing to lose because we only get paid when you get paid.

Case Results


Broken Hip
Pedestrian Parking Lot Accident


Hit & Run
fractured skull, multiple broken bones & brain injury


Auto Accident
Wrongful Death


Slip & Fall
Heel Fracture with Surgery


Auto Accident
Multiple Injuries-Leg Trauma / Mobility Issues


Nursing Home Neglect
Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Internal Injuries / Wrongful Death


Auto Accident
Confidentiality Agreement


Product Liability
Crash Injury

Call for a Free Consultation with an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

For over 30 years, Goldman & Daszkal has provided Florida personal injury clients with extensive representation across a wide range of case types. Our passionate attorneys understand the complexities behind these cases—and will work with you every step of the way to settle or win your birth injury claim in court. Contact our office today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.